【DIY Cushion Stool 布藝咕臣高櫈】 想有一張親自動手造的 Designer Chair? 絕不是一件難事! 香港地少人多,『蝸居』就是常用以形容我們住所的詞語。 地方雖少,但我們只須少少創意,卻可以能它打造成人見人愛的「安樂窩」。 DIY傢俱課程是我們的Signature課程, 有不同系列不同風格的傢俱製作課程,希望在有限的budget加無限的創意, 教授大家打造獨一無二的傢俱,令小小蝸居添上色彩。 Can make your own Designer Chair? It's an easy task! "Dwelling" is commonly used to describe Hong Kong such crowded city. We can have only a little place be our home, but we can make it chic and comfortable with our creativity. DIY Furniture course is our signature class that could be assisted you make the personalized tiny furnitures with your limited budget to light up your little place.
DIY Cushion Stool 布藝咕臣高櫈| 28-4-2017 (Fri) 7~9:30pm
- CLASS DETAILS:- Duration: 2.5 hours Price: 每堂HK$550.- (已包括所有材料及工具; 製成品如圖) Date: 17 Feb 2017 (Fri) Time: 7:00~9:30pm